Micro-Bladed Eyebrows
$400 - includes your first touch up. Micro-blading is a two part procedure; the initial appointment and 4-6 weeks later the perfecting appointment.
Color Boost Refresher
$200 & up - to keep your brows looking fresh and crisp. Generally done every 8 - 18 months. Anything after 18 months subject to additional price. Contact Ink Blossom for a consult.
If an additional touch up after the color boost is required a $50 supply fee will be charge.
Shape change during the touch up - $200
Micro-blading, also known as eyebrow embroidery, is a permanent makeup procedure that allows you to dramatically correct or fully reconstruct lost eyebrows. Eyebrow Micro-blading is performed by manually depositing pigment in the basal layer of the epidermis by a hand held micro-blade tool. It does not involve the use of a machine. Unlike other permanent makeup brow treatments, the Micro-blading techniques involves drawing individual, crisp hair strokes that are more natural looking than tattooing, brow pencils or powders. The micro blade tool contains numerous pins that are 3 times thinner than the needles used for tattooing.
Micro-blading gives the effect of fine, delicate hair strokes that seamlessly blend into your natural brow hair, allowing you to have a natural looking, fuller eyebrow.